The two directions that I take are Flower Generator and Black Sheep Generator.


My initial plan is to create bunch of flowers bloom along with the movement of cursor. I start off with hand-drawings. Trying out different shapes and color palettes.

But, as always, my plan changes after I transfer into p5 sketch. By trying out different variables and randams. I set my direction to a Flower Generator. The first step I take is to create a flower shape. Then I started to try off different primitives and codes.

The next step is to make the shape more diverse and random. So I combine different primitives together. Also adding some interaction to it to make it more fun. As you move your cursor from left, to the center, and to the right, there will be three different types of petal generated. Along with the change of color. Click on the canvas will save your unique flower.

However, I then realize it becomes a little hard to recognize the change in shape when adding color changing. So I reduced the variables. And add a mousePressed function: as you click on the canvas, you will be applying a poem about flower by Rabindranath Tagore. The text size, color, and position are also on random(). Furthermore, as the mouse pressed, the frameRate will be reduced. It leaves a little more time for the user to put more poems onto the canvas. The sketch can be treated as a painting, or a poster.

Then I keep playing around the the codes I have. And by using similar codes/techniques. I create the second version of the generator, which is a Black sheep generator. This is about a story of a black sheep. Running in a race. And far ahead of the others. Everytime you click, you will save your sheep's winning moment.


I used similar shape and code to create two completely different creatures. Which I find it to be quite interesting. As when I was drawing by hand. I tend to depict the flower in a more realistic way. There are more details and decorations. Because I have 100% freedom and a lot more control to draw it the way I want. In someway the freedom may limits my imagination of what a flower can look like. But when it comes to p5 sketch. My drawings are a lot more abstract and I start to think of using unsual shapes to compose the flower. The discovering and experimenting process actually expand my imagination of the form of a flower.